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What you should know about Brexit

The word “Brexit” first appeared in the news in 2016. On 2016, June 23, the British held a
referendum asking whether the United Kingdom should stay in the European Union or step out of it.
51.9 percent of the voters opted for a departure. Although the referendum was advisory, the British
government had chosen to respect the result on March 29, 2017. At the time of this writing, the
Brexit has still not been implemented. The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU entails
many problems. To understand this, the reader needs more background information.

From ECSC to EU
After the Second World War a few heads came together to reflect. They saw that the massive
devastation of the last wars was a major disadvantage for the European economies. The basis of the
last two major wars were conflicts between Germany and France. The European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC) was founded in 1952 on the initiative of Robert Schuman with the intention
that the two countries would no longer wage war against each other. The first chairman was the
famous Frenchman Jean Monnet. The founding countries were Germany, France, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Luxembourg and Italy.
Just before that, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg had already signed the Benelux
Customs Union on October 21, 1943 with official start on September 1944. These countries were
already used to working well together.
The ECSC was transformed into a European Economic Community in 1958 with the same
countries. Later, other countries joined. A total of 12 countries would be part of this Community.
The United Kingdom joined in 1973.

The Maastricht Treaty transformed the EEC in 1993 into the European Union. The European
Parliament is elected every 5 years. The President of the European Union is not elected. The EU has
a uniform legal system and a common economic liberal ideology. The EU is concerned with human
rights and thus also with immigration and alternative sexual orientation.

Founded in 1951 (Treaty of Paris) Purpose was to reduce potential for conflict between the member states by pooling vital resources. Fore-runner of the EEC, EC, and EU.

The European institutions:
— The parliament consists of 751 very well-paid parliamentarians.
— The European Council consists of the 28 national heads of government.
— The Council of the European Union (28 ministers on the subject)
— The European Commission is an executive body. This committee contains commissioners who
check that the member states are complying with European laws.
— The European Central Bank
— The European Court of Auditors that controls finances
— The Court of Justice
The EU has a budget of € 130 billion a year. There are 12 richer countries that contribute and 16
poorer countries that receive money.

Great Britain and Europe
Historically, Great Britain had two major moments of European integration.
The first period goes from the year 51 to the year 410, where the British Isles were connected to the
Roman Empire. The Romans had a very hard time standing there. The Hadrian’s Wall (Vallum
Hadriani, from the year 122) was intended to protect the English part of the Roman Empire against
attacks by the Picts. A successor later build the Wall of Antonius (Antonine Wall, from the year 142)
but more to the north. England changed dramatically after the departure of the Romans. Angels,
Saxons, Frisians and other Germanic tribes took possession of the island. The Celtic tribes were
driven to Wales, Cornwall, Ireland and Brittany (France).

Hadrian’s Wall in Britain

The departure of the Roman legions, a first Brexit, led in England to years of invasions, darkness,
chaos and disorder.
The second period is between the 11th and 15th centuries. England and France fought some
territorial wars. The execution by burning of Joan of Arc is well known.
England and Flanders had very strong ties at that time. Flanders was pretty much the economic
center of the world that moment. England was also Flanders ally against the aggressive expansion
policy of France. There was a lot of money in Flanders, money that the French crown needed to
wage wars.
England was expelled from the European continent in 1453, as a result that England received far
fewer Flemish goods and men. The ties between England and Flanders were temporarily suspended.
This gave France new strength to threaten Flanders. Flanders was very important to England
because even Napoleon said that «Antwerp is a gun aimed at the heart of England». This second
Brexit led to a form of insulation.
With an official Protestant religion, England later became the world’s largest propagator of
The third period is in 1973, when the United Kingdom joined the European Community.
Membership was very controversial from the start. The UK was regarded as a non-loyal ally. The
UK asked frequently for ‘occasional exceptions’ for itself. The mutual love was not really great.
That is why a first referendum was held in 1975. That moment, the majority of the British did want
to stay in the EC.
The accession of Eastern European countries with cheap labor (from 2004) reduced the British’s
love for the EU. The UK was flooded by that cheap workforce. After all, there were no borders
anymore to stop them. The British working class was threatened.
Great Britain, unlike than post-war Germany, has never experienced a strong pro-European
movement. The British Empire suffered the loss of many colonies after the war. And Great Britain
was never involved in the early stages of the ECSC and the EC.
The European Union could never count on the island for great support because British political
philosophy is consisted of the basic concept of «sovereignty». The British legal system and the
British parliament were unassailable to the people. The eternal rivalry with their French and
German / Prussian geopolitical competitors also play an important role. The British are convinced
of the lack of democracy in the European Union. The expensive contributions they pay also lower
the balance to aversion.
The British have certainly not forgotten how anti-English Charles De Gaulle vetoed Great Britain in
the 1960s. The French statesman knew that the British would not be «good Europeans» and kept the
British far from the mainland. In the EC / EEC or now in the EU, any country can join on condition
that everyone agrees. Unanimity is therefore required. A country can therefore block the accession
of a candidate.
After De Gaulle, his successor, Georges Pompidou, started conversations with the British. In 1973,
Great Britain nevertheless joined the EC. Despite everything, Eurosceptism remained very high.
Afterwards, the classical British parties were internally divided over Europe.
The United Kingdom Independence Party was established in 1993. The party wanted the UK’s full
exit from the EU. It was an ultra Eurosceptic party that won election after election. In 2014, UKIP
was the largest party in the United Kingdom: 26.6%. As a result, Prime Minister David Cameron
promised a referendum on British membership of the EU. This referendum took place on 23 June
Today Boris Johnson plays the role of hardliner against the EU.

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks as he visits an electric car plant in Warwickshire, Britain November 13, 2019. REUTERS/Rebecca Naden — RC2GAD94PYSN

Not the first European referendum
In 2005, a referendum was held in 10 European countries with the theme «Treaty establishing a
Constitution for Europe», a kind of European Constitution. Spain and Luxembourg voted «yes».
When France and the Netherlands voted «no», other referendums were canceled. The United
Kingdom also postponed the referendum. The European countries and politicians were afraid of the
voice of the people. They were afraid that more ‘no’s’ would follow. The European Union enjoys
very little popularity with the population.
Because the European Union saw that it was not possible to introduce a Constitution through
referendums, the EU changed its tactics. The population was not consulted anymore. The Member
States signed the Lisbon Treaty on 13 December 2007, which can de facto be considered as a
«European Constitution with a different name». Here too, the EU showed that it is a dictatorial
entity. «If the people do not want something, we do not ask their opinion”, is the EU slogan.

Why still not a Brexit?

While the referendum was held on June 23, 2016, more than half of voters opted for a UK exit, and
the implementation date — the effective exit — was scheduled for March 29, 2019. The UK — at the
time of this writing — is still tied to the European Union.
The difficult exit has a legal cause. If private individuals set up a foundation, the articles of
association — statutes — must state the name, address, objectives, how to meet, deposition procedures
and some other matters. The articles of the association must also contain what happens if a member
wants to leave the organization, or if the organization is dissolved, where the assets go. Every
lawyer will say that the EU foundation had been very sloppy.
Nowhere the articles tell what the procedure is if a member state wants to leave the EU! The
lawyers forgot to mention what happens when a member resigns! This is the purest naivety that can
be encountered on a legal level. People were so naive to think that only countries would be added
and nobody would want to leave “the paradise». That is why we are now in the middle of a clash
between European legislation and British legislation. If no agreement is reached, we will go to a
hard Brexit. That means no agreements, hard borders, higher import taxes, customs controls, etc.
The only who has to calm down here is the EU. Because the United Kingdom can leave unimpeded
at any time. Due to the lack of statutes on how to leave the EU, people can leave the EU unhindered
at any time. The concept of the EU does not look like a marriage but to cohabiting without
obligation. The Brexit will certainly be a precedent for other countries. Other countries can now
blackmail the Union with departure.

British Parliament

Why do the British want to leave?
It is no secret that the mass immigration to Great Britain gave a serious blow to the Eurosceptisci.
The British are fed up with mass immigration and related crime such as thefts, robberies, rapes and
murders. On the other hand, the EU wants every country to attract a significant number of migrants
— who do not fit in with our culture — on a regular basis. The British, like some Eastern European
countries, are tired of the EU imposing on them who to bring in.
The British are fed up with the Brussels dictation. Some specialists say that the EU determines and
even imposes up to 80 percent of the legislation. If a country does not want to do something that
European liberal ideology expects, the EU threatens with harsh penalties and sanctions. The British
want to stand on their own.
It is no secret that Britain is very attached to the United States. There is the common Anglo-Saxon
culture, the common language, the common liberal ideology, common Protestant religion. Both are
thalassocracies. The love for the equal partner across the Great Lake is greater than the love for the
continent. Thalassocracies have different geopolitical visions than continental powers.
Great Britain, just like the US, is an island and used to being reasonably isolated from the rest of the
world, allowing them to fully adhere to their own principles.
Great Britain and the United States are intertwined in terms of power politics. The economic forces
of «The City» dominate the US, while the economic forces of the US dominate Great Britain.
‘Thanks to’ the internet, the island of Great Britain is less able to «protect» itself against foreign
influences. This makes the British tend towards even more and stronger isolationism.

The consequences of a Brexit
The European financial balance sheet will be hit hard with a Brexit. The United Kingdom was one
of the twelve net contributors to the EU. They paid around 12 billion euros to the EU every year.
The other 16 countries are net receivers. We can consider generally that money from the Germanic
countries, the British countries plus Italy is transferred to the Eastern European and Mediterranean
If the camp of net payers decreases and therefore contributes less money to the EU, the camp of net
receivers will receive less money without extra intervention.
Either the poorer countries receive less money, and then they will also leave because their love for
the EU is only love for the subvention they receive, or the richer countries have to contribute more
at the EU’s counter. Some already argued for it.
Due to the Brexit and other expensive problems such as mass immigration to Europe, the demand
for additional money is increasing and the demand for higher contributions for the richer countries
is increasing. The German contribution would be double! The Dutch contribution would increase by
75 percent. The Belgian contribution is now 5.5 billion euros and an additional contribution of 2.8
billion euros more per year can be added, according to financial specialists. The Netherlands,
Austria, Sweden and Denmark are already refusing to pay more.
The EU could have a knock-on effect. The rich countries leave the EU because they are tired of the
excessive contributions, the poorer countries leave the EU because they do not get enough money,
what was the reason of their Anschluss to the EU.
With a Brexit, Europe will no longer bring the many hundreds of thousands of transmigrants
(migrants who walk through Europe to reach England) over the Channel. These road to England
will therefore remain blocked in Europe. The stream of immigrants will therefore increase even
more in Europe than is currently the case today.
From the British Isles, the (pro-American) politicians will watch the sinking of Europe. If the EU
falls apart, if a huge economic crisis breaks out with a lot of poverty and anarchy, then the British
can proclaim that they were right to leave the sinking ship.

Non-scientific prognosis
After the Brexit, countries will leave the EU and there is a chance that a Northern Union will be
established between Germany, the Netherlands, Flanders and the Scandinavian countries. The
European Union will cease to exist. The southern countries will gradually evolve towards
«European Caliphate».
If Brexit is the beginning of the end of the European Community, then we must also ask ourselves
questions about the membership of the European countries to the NATO. If NATO also falls apart
(dixit Macron and the hidden wish of Trump), together with the end of the EU, then this opens up
perspectives for Russia and others. A number of European countries may then decide to establish
better ties with Russia. A number of countries can even become members of the Eurasian Union.
Brexit, mass immigration, collapse of the world financial system, climate change (but not as the
greens claim), war or threat of war, artificial intelligence alias mass control and global demographic
imbalances (few children in Europe, many children in the rest of the world ) will change
dramatically the views of Europe and the world in the next 20 years.
Someday it will be mentioned in the history books that the Brexit was the first major step towards
the demise of the European Union, the collapse of Europe and of the radical changing of the world
that we know today. Most European political leaders only use their reptile brain and refuse — out of
selfishness — to look beyond the next election. That they have millions of victims on their
conscience doesn’t bother them. If a grasshopper group eats whole fields till they are empty, they
also do not think about the future but only about their own pleasure of today. Unfortunately, this is
the level of the European Union summit.
History will remember the Brexit and why it happend.

By Kris Roman for Cezarium


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